Working papers
Traditional Institutions in Modern Times: Dowries as Pensions When Sons Migrate (with Natalie Bau, Gaurav Khanna and Corinne Low), 2023, R&R Quarterly Journal of Economics [link]
Gendered Spheres of Learning and Household Decision Making over Fertility (with Nava Ashraf, Erica Field and Roberta Ziparo), 2023 *NEW VERSION* [link], R&R, Review of Economic Studies
Marriage, Labor Supply and the Dynamics of the Social Safety Net (with Hamish Low, Costas Meghir and Luigi Pistaferri), 2023, R&R 2nd round, Journal of Political Economy [link]
How Are Gender Norms Perceived? (with Leonardo Bursztyn, Alexander W. Cappelen, Bertil Tungodden, David Yanagizawa-Drott), 2024 [link]
Effect of Health Insurance in India: A Randomized Controlled Trial (with Anup Malani, Phoebe Holtzman, Kosuke Imai, Cynthia Kinnan, Morgen Miller, Shailender Swaminathan, Bartosz Woda and Gabriella Conti), 2022 [link]
Handbook of the Economics of the Family, Editor (with Shelly Lundberg), NorthHolland Elsevier (2023) [link]
Child Marriage as Informal Insurance: Empirical Evidence and Policy Simulations (with Lucia Corno), 2023, Journal of Development Economics, [link]
Women's Well-being During a Pandemic and its Containment (with Natalie Bau, Gaurav Khanna, Corinne Low, Manisha Shah, and Sreyashi Sharmin), 2022, Journal of Development Economics, [link]
Age of Marriage, Weather Shocks and the Direction of Marriage Payments (with Lucia Corno and Nicole Hildebrandt), 2020, Econometrica [link]
Bride Price and Female Education (with Nava Ashraf, Nathan Nunn and Natalie Bau), 2019, Journal of Political Economy [link]
Widows' Land Rights and Agricultural Investment (with Brian Dillon), 2018, Journal of Development Economics [link]
Traditional Beliefs and Learning about Maternal Risk in Zambia (with Nava Ashraf, Erica Field, Giuditta Rusconi and Roberta Ziparo), 2017, American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings [link]
Yours, Mine and Ours: Do Divorce Laws Affect the Intertemporal Behavior of Married Couples?, 2015, American Economic Review [link]
German-Jewish Émigrés and U.S. Invention (with Petra Moser and Fabian Waldinger), 2014, American Economic Review [link]
The Economics and Politics of Women’s Rights (with Matthias Doepke and Michèle Tertilt), 2012, Annual Review of Economics [link][Correction of Table 2]
Compulsory Licensing: Evidence from the Trading-with-the Enemy Act (with Petra Moser), 2012, American Economic Review [link]